
Reader's Editorial: Now Taking Submissions!

Dear Faithful Readers,

We have some exciting news! After some deliberation, Deputy and I have decided to start a brand new Reader's Editorial! Once a week, we will post a new article written by one of you, submitted to us through our new email address:


Feel free to submit as many articles as you want, of any length, on the topic of your choice. Be sure to send along any pictures you want included in the post if it goes live, though we may add our own if need be. We will choose the one we like the most to be posted as the Reader's Editorial of the Week, and will credit you by real name or pseudonym--whichever you prefer. Just bear in mind that we reserve the right to edit the articles if absolutely necessary, and we can't guarantee that your submission will get posted.

Either way, we look forward to getting some fantastic submissions. Many of you have approached me and my co-author with your own ideas, so this is your chance to see those ideas come to life. Put those pens to paper, people (well, fingers to keyboards, really). Happy writing!


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