

As I sit at my computer during this horrific snowmaggedon that DC has to offer its residents, I had a lot of time to sift through my DVR and watch any and all shows that would help me pass the time.  I was saving an episode of "The Real World" for such an occasion and was very excited to watch because this season takes place in my town, DC!  AND IT SUCKED!  

I am a huge proponent for reality television and have become emotionally involved with 13 series of television during this season alone, so you can rest assured my bar for good TV is not very high.  To give everyone a frame of reference, I think that anything that New York touches (the character from Flavor of Love, not the city) turns to gold.  The characters that these shows offer are priceless and better than some of these poor excuses for Hollywood writers.  

So back to the Real World.  I guess when you live in the city that they are filming in you kind of get an idea of how cool these people are by what they do and where they party and what they eat.  And based on what I've seen so far, these people are a bunch of herbs.  I watch the show for the drama and the dysfunction, and this latest episode was about how the house was fighting over two girls that "just don't see themselves being friends".  WTF!  I started thinking, hmm Deputy, maybe we should give the cast a benefit of the doubt because now we are older than the entire cast and we can chalk up to immaturity.  But NO!  This season sucks and doesn't even compare to some of the better seasons of Real World that MTV has produced.  Maybe the directors need to feed them more alcohol to instigate some fights or sex, I don't know but something needs to happen to spice this season up.  

Let's review some of the amazing seasons that brought viewers to love The Real World:

Real Wold: San Francisco - This was the season that brought us Puck, who was by far the most unique individual that was a professional button-pusher.  He was ousted out of the house and still stalked the cast for weeks on end.  Great TV.  This season also brought us the first person with AIDS to be open and talk about it on TV.  He was motivating and brought awareness to the issues and incited change in the way we viewed it.  The only thing the DC cast gave us awareness to is how to not be "mean".  

Real World: Hawaii - Tech, Ruthie, Amaya...oh my.  The fact that the Deputy can recall the names of some of the cast members says a lot.  This was the first season that a lot of people in our generation started watching this show.  Tech was an outspoken nudist who was always down for a party.  And we all loved the episode where we followed Ruthie in the ambulance after she got alcohol poisoning for party too hard.  Go lezzies!  

Real World: New Orleans - This was an underrated season but what it gave us was a closed-minded Mormon in the same house as an outed homosexual.  The constant tension and enlightenment for these two characters was what this show was SUPPOSED to be about.

Real Wold: Las Vegas - Trash-elle anyone!?  This was the season filmed at the suite in the Palms hotel and it rocked.  We had a go go dancer, a country girl turned slut, a hot chocolate couple, and Frank.  They screwed each other and screwed each other over and we all watched as Arissa's dark circles around her eyes get worse and worse.

Other notables:  Hollywood, Australia, Austin.

In conclusion, The Real World is officially out of style and you can all clear your DVRs and just wait for a marathon that MTV loves to do.

Peace, love and seashells,



  1. I think Seattle is my favorite. That's the one where the in-the-closet gay guy slaps the girl with Lymes in the face as she boards a cab, right? Yeah, that's the one.

  2. What season was Dark Kent from...?

  3. He was on Real World Denver...that one was actually pretty good too. They're all go except for DC!!!

  4. I gave up after Sydney...though in my opinion, Denver was the last season that was even worth watching. Once they added an 8th housemate, things just got lame. Also, the only people who are even remotely entertaining are the old schoolers, like Coral, Robyn, Brad, the train-wreck that is Tonya, and the man-child that is CT....MTV should just stop producing Real World Seasons all together and employ these "all-stars" full-time with more Challenge shows.

  5. Still have all of the DC episodes on my DVR, but I have to say Paris was right up there with one of the worst seasons of all time.
    Just send them back to Vegas...
